A Hair Cut and Other Thoughts

As I got out of the shower a few days ago, I stood in front of the mirror and began to comb my hair, and I thought, “I need a hair cut!” My next thought was, “I can’t because of the shelter in place order.” Then I thought, “My barber cannot earn a living now!” I have been thinking a lot of these thoughts lately as I see businesses closed, restaurants closed, and the limited number of people who are able to go to work or even be able to work at home.

And we, as the Catholic Church, are not immune to this. You know better than I, the sadness and emotional hurt that has occurred in not being able to physically attend the celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass. How all parish activities have come to a sudden and abrupt end and the future looks bleak and there is no date set for us to be able to gather once more. So, what are we supposed to do?
We all know that it is a very difficult time in all our lives. Everything seems to have been disrupted. And yet we are called to continue. We are called to live within the Word of God spoken that says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (is 41:10)
Now we must live this hope that God shares with us.
What is this hope? First and foremost, it is to discover gratitude and blessing in the little things of life. Even in times of great despair and fear God is present and showering us with His amazing grace. It may in profound moments or it may be in silly moments…or at any moment, when we have our heart open God will be present and alive. For instance: This week I have been helping a family plan a funeral. It is a sad and difficult time where we are unable to plan a funeral Mass until after this emergency is over. And yet in speaking with the family over the telephone there was a peace in the prayers offered over the telephone and an acceptance of this is part of life new plan. Hearing God speaking through the family members brought peace to my troubled heart that was prevented from offering everything I wish for families who are grieving.
It is in the silly too. Fr. Steve, Fr. Joseph and I are eating a lot more meals together. This has been a great blessing as we laugh and joke about our days and forget the worries for a moment around the table…even talking so long on Sunday afternoon that I forgot to go and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and was 30 minutes late. The blessing was, people waited on line and joined in at 3:30 p.m. God smiled and I smiled.
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Ps 56:3) The worries are real…but God wants you to place your trust in Him. The fear is real…but God desires to be with you.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (LK 12-32)
God Bless
Fr. Mark

2 thoughts on “A Hair Cut and Other Thoughts

  1. Nancy Bernal Reply

    Thank you once again for providing even more inspiration and spiritual moments. In this time of shelter in place I am setting more time to pray and speak with God.
    I spoke to my brother today and he shared that his teenage and twenty- one year old are getting along and spending more time together. So in this time of seclusion we are closer to each other, and closer to God .
    I am a parishioner at St. Catherine’s in Morgan Hill. You are missed here and am thankful that I can. pray with you online each day.

    1. marnzen@dsj.org Reply

      Thank you for reading and sharing your story. I pray your family continue to be filled with the many blessings of God.

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