A Family of Families

“For a parish to actually be a ‘family of families’ calls for concrete actions of hospitality and generosity. St. John Paul II said that ‘opening the doors to one’s home, and still more of one’s heart,’ is a mode of imitating Christ. To give help and to receive help are intimate things. No one, especially a child, parents struggling with unexpected crises, vulnerable elderly people, or anyone who is suffering, should be lonely in a parish family. There is no substitute for ordinary parishioners simply befriending and serving one another during the week, extending church beyond Sunday mornings.” (#88 Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive)

The wonderful catechesis on the family given to us by the U. S. Bishops has been a wonderment of blessing for me these past few months as I have slowly prayed my way through each chapter and each paragraph. The quote above comes from the 5th chapter entitled “Creating the Future” which gives us a vision of parish life that is truly alive, vibrant and filled with hope and faith. I cannot imagine any Catholic who would not in one way or another embrace a parish that lived the simple statement above.

The question we may ask each other is: why are we not practicing being a “family of families” as called for by our Lord? Speaking only for myself the only answer I have is FEAR. I often try to live the above, to help carry the burdens of others, to celebrate the joy of life with others, to be present during crises and give thanks for the blessings given, shared and received…but at times I am afraid. I fail to often. I fail in my natural family, in my family of friends and certainly in my family the Church. And yes, I could give you a long list of well-worn excuses but they are only excuses.

I could also fall into despair at my failures, yet through God’s grace and love I can reflect and look back and see the growth of hospitality in my heart as I do continue to pry open the door to my own heart to receive the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the hearts of my brothers in sisters in the Lord. This is the ultimate key to our call to follow Jesus, to recognize our shortcomings and failures and then to strive, with Jesus’ help, to move towards a holier life in union with Him and all people. It is practicing daily prayer, daily examination of conscience and daily thanksgiving and devotion that leads us to participate in the sacramental life that give us the strength to walk with others as we walks with our Lord. It begins with a hello and continues with the “getting to know” the other in all moments of life. It is reaching out and living the joy of the Gospel within the family of God.

God Bless

Fr. Mark


Ps. I would highly encourage you to read and pray with this wonderful little book Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. I am not plugging Amazon…but it is available in both paper and electronic form. Take time to read it with family and friends as we grow as a family of families.

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